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主题:The Importance of Off-site Backup of RongCuo VTL

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The Importance of Off-site Backup of RongCuo VTL  发帖心情 Post By:2012/6/7 9:53:58 [只看该作者]


    In today’s world, technology is a key aspect to all parts of your business. From accounting and management to day-to-day communication, more and more parts of your business are preformed solely on computers. Companies must take advantage of today’s technology to stay competitive. Email is the preferred method of communication and computers are integral for executing transactions and storing valuable data. With the importance of computers and technology, it is critical that every organization has a complete solution to deal with the threat of data loss.


    In the past, companies have backed up their data using magnetic tapes which were then typically stored off-site. While a usable method for incrementally backing up data off-site, this process is tedious and time consuming. For small businesses without a dedicated IT staff, maintaining an up-to-date tape library can be easily overlooked and can result in permanent data loss.


    Small to medium businesses can suffer severe repercussions if their critical data is not securely backed up at an off-site location. A fire, power surge, hardware failure, or even basic operator error can wipe out years of data. According to IDC (a leading market research firm), less than 40% of all small to medium size businesses properly and regularly back up their data. These businesses cannot afford to lose time attempting to rebuild their lost, vital information. In order to prevent such a situation from happening, it is imperative that an off-site storage system be used, providing secure copies of all data.


   Off-site backup devices ensure that if physical disaster (fire, flood, theft, etc.) were to strike your data center and/or office, all lost information can be retrieved from the off-site location. Most off-site backup options use the Internet to transfer data back to the business location. It can take weeks, or even months, to download all of a company’s data from the web. With RongCuo VTL backup solutions, a new device allows businesses to recover multiple terabytes of information in 24 hours, which would be impossible through Internet transfer.


   To quickly recover from hardware failures, viruses, or accidental deletion, it is important to have an on-site backup in addition to the off-site copy. This backup allows businesses to quickly recover from data loss due to common causes. When creating a business continuity plan, it’s important to take both on-site and off-site backup into consideration.


   When it comes to keeping your information safe, RongCuo VTL backup solutions offers an affordable and easy total solution. RongCuo provides a simple, secure, and automatic method for both onsite and off-site data storage in one simple and easy to use device. Each RongCuo solution is a specifically designed virtual tape library (VTL) device Support by any backup Software. The device export with RDX disk creates an copy of all full backup data, we can move RDX disk to any safe place. In the event of accidental deletion, files can quickly be restored to the device.

RongCuo backup solutions ensure your vital information is always safe and secure, making the once painful chore of on and offsite data backup easy and reliable.




[此贴子已经被作者于2012-6-7 9:54:39编辑过]
